Shelford, Bukit Timah, old Turf Club, North

هذه هي قائمة الصفحات منShelford الرمز البريدي. معلوماتها التفاصلية كما يلي.

منطقة 3-الرمز البريدي

Which sub-regions are included in Shelford? Here's the list of sub-regions in Shelford.
منطقة 3 مدينة منطقة 1 منطقة 2 الرمز البريدي
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 16B Shelford Suites 286653
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 16A Shelford Suites 286654
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 23A 286655
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 1C The Shelford 286888
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 1D The Shelford 286889
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 1E The Shelford 286890
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 1F The Shelford 286891
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 1G The Shelford 286892
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 8 288350
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 8A 288351
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 9 Shelford Green 288352
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 10 Watten Estate 288353
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 10A 288354
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15 288374
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15A 288375
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15B 288376
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15C 288377
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15D 288378
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15E 288379
Shelford Singapore Shelford Road, 15F 288380
مثال المغلف
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مزيد من التوضيح ويرجى قراءة الوثيقة الرسمية:sgp.pdf (الإنجليزية)

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